Friday, September 21, 2012

A Fun Story From a Fun Student!

Connor is a 5th grader doing sessions at Langsford to work on his written composition skills.

He's written opinion pieces and informative and persuasive essays among other things.  Below is a sample of some of his creative writing, which was one of his favorite tasks in sessions.  I really enjoyed this story, and thought you would too!  Stay tuned for more student work in the future!

     This story is about a man named John...
"Hi! I'm John."
My name is John Slater.  I am just an ordinary guy.  I used to have an ordinary life.  Then I found a billion dollars under my bed!

"Wow!  I'll look under my bed more often!"

It happened like this.  I took the drawer out from under my bed and saw lots of cash.  I was ecstatic!  Then I put the money in a brown leather suitcase.  I decided to take the money to a bank.  I hopped into my rusty Ford pickup truck and drove to the bank.

I walked into the bank and over to the financial adviser, Mr. Bob.   I sat down and said, "I would like to  open a checking account."  Mr. Bob answered, "How much money would you like to deposit?  You need a minimum of 100 dollars."

I put my suitcase on the table and said, "I would like to deposit this much."  Mr. Bob said, "Just sign these papers and I'll do the rest.  Wait here and I'll tell you how much money is in your account."
Five minutes later Mr. Bob walked back and said, "You have exactly one billion dollars in your account."

"A billion dollars!!!!!!"

I said, "A billion dollars!  I can't believe it!"  I was so happy I went outside and kicked my old rusty truck and the driver's door fell off.  I got in nervously and drove to the Ferrari dealership.  I looked around and decided to buy a yellow Ferrari.  I left my old piece of junk there.

"Am I cool or what?!"

After I bought the Ferrari, I went to an office to buy a plot of land on the outskirts of town.  It was five acres of grass.  I was going to have a mansion built.  A year later, it was finished.  From the pillars to the 27 flat screen TV's, it was perfect!  It was big, white, and had lots of windows.

"Like my house?"

The mansion has an 18 hole mini golf course, an indoor pool with a diving board, and a movie theater.  I love my rooftop basketball court.  It has a retractable roof.  I also like the hangar with the 747 and a runway on my roof.

My favorite part of the house is my bedroom.  I like the bed because it is super big and you can controlhow hot or cold the bed is.  If you press a special button a giant 113 inch flat screen pops out of the bed.  The room also has lots of sports memorabilia.  Then there's the bathroom.  It has a hot tub, and a shower that massages your feet, and a TV built into the shower.
"A TV in the shower! " 

I lived happily in my mansion for the rest of my life!

Can you say, "Happily ever after?"

The End

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