Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why We Work at Langsford

Some people work for money...some to have something to do...others to feel like they are accomplishing something important.  Langsford is celebrating its 20 year anniversary this year and we were remarking on how so many of our staff have been with us for such a long time.  I, myself, have worked here for 15 of the 20 years Langsford has been in existence!

We decided to ask our staff why they work at Langsford, and we got some interesting answers that says a lot about our staff and our center.  Here's what some of the staff had to say.......

Why do I work at Langsford?

"Why?  I wanted to belong to a place that could change lives.  I wanted to be that person who could save a child from a lifetime of failure."

"To give people the gift of reading.  Once you learn to read and can understand what you read, the whole world opens up for you.  You can do anything!"

"I work at Langsford because it is the most personally gratifying teaching experience I've ever had.  Students actually improve.  They learn to read better.  The environment is so positive.  One-on-one instruction is the only answer for many/most of our students.  Our methodology is extraordinary."

"As I said to you many years ago, the job gives meaning to my life.  There are few jobs in which you actually feel that you are making a difference."

"Because everyone here cares, or needs care."

"It seems that I have been a learner and a teacher most of my 71 years.  I am involved in both of those activities through my job at Langsford.  When I applied for my job, almost 10 years ago, it was because I wanted to continue this challenging and creative process of working with kids to make a difference.  Langsford has been the answer to my longing and kept me involved in the joy of impacting young souls."

Almost every response was similar to what you have just read.  I am humbled and proud to be working with a team so dedicated to the art of teaching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are all amazing, as is your dedication to helping people learn to read. Wish I were there 'in the trenches' with you.