Monday, November 23, 2009

Coincidence? Anomaly? A Mother's Imagination?

Recently a mother of one of our new students was talking to Jenny, our scheduler and office manager, and said, "It is probably a coincidence, but maybe not. I am not sure what is going on, but my husband and I have both seen some very positive changes already in Griffin."

She said that it did not make any sense to her that after only 3 days at Langsford they could already be noticing changes, but they were.

Hmmmmmm..........After only 3 days?

Actually, with the type of work we do to develop reading and spelling skills, parents often do see noticeable differences in a short period of time. This is because we start with the foundational processes necessary for success in reading and spelling with every client we have, regardless of their age.

We then ask them to apply this knowledge at a level that is consistent with their current level of functioning, gradually increasing the level of difficulty as they progress through sessions. Therefore, our students experience success every day they are here, starting with day 1. They see early on that they CAN be successful, which increases their willingness to attempt what was once considered challenging.

Perhaps most important of all, is the air of enthusiasm for learning that is present at Langsford. The children become enthusiastic as they experience success, and that makes us even more enthusiastic when we see their progress!

Sometimes it's almost palpable. Students often discuss what they are learning or which books they are reading while they are on break, and one child's enthusiasm carries to the next.

What we do is not "magic." It doesn't always take away all of the struggle, and it does require hard work. But it's much easier to be motivated when you can see light at the end of the tunnel.

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