Kristin is one of our Learning Coordinators.
Where were you born and how long have you lived in Louisville?
Louisville is my hometown. I left town for about 8 years, then returned home.
My school/work background is?
Bachelor’s degree from Eastern Ky. University- dual degree in Special Ed./Elementary Ed. Also dual Master’s degree in Special Ed./Elementary Ed. from Adams State College in Colorado. Work experience mostly in special education settings and started at Langsford in 1999. Best job I ever had!
When I was a child and thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up, I…
was never quite sure I wanted to grow up.
In my free time, I….
am very involved with the Taoist Tai Chi Society, I enjoy working on my house and in the garden.
One of my favorite books of all time would be….
Ann Morrow Lindberg’s “Gifts from the Sea”
One of my hidden talents is…
Oh, there are too many to mention…
I love and I hate…
I love the many opportunities for growth this life offers. I hate eggplant and beef liver.
People say I…
am even keeled but full of surprises.
I once won an award for…
Best award ever was my Master’s Degree! It was very hard won!
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