Miss Lindsey
Recently we've had the pleasure of working with this delightful 3rd grader
who wrote the following about Langsford:
What Langsford is About
by Lindsey
Langsford is a place where kids go to get better at school work that is tricky for them. I really like Langsford because I can learn in fun ways. I can read interesting books while playing the Jewel Game.
I also do spelling. If I get a word wrong, I have a list that the word goes on. If I get the word correct 5 days in a row the word gets checked off. I also get to write sentences on the white board with a dry erase marker. My favorite color is purple.
If I read 20 minutes a day I get to put a check on the reading board. If I get checks all the way across the board, I get to get a prize out of Rhonda's special basket.
I have a different teacher every hour I am here. At the end of each hour, I get stickers to put on my sticker sheet. Langsford is a good place to go to!
Thanks Lindsey! We think you're pretty special too!!